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About Us

From Left to Right: First Mate Justin Deluca, Captain Tyler McLaughlin, and Deckhand Ari Vieira

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Hi. I'm Tyler McLaughlin.

I'm 25 years old and started tuna fishing with my dad when I was just three years old. Upon graduation from Nichols College in 2011, I bought a 35ft Donelle fishing vessel and have been commercially tuna fishing onboard the PinWheel ever since.

Summer 2012 I was approached by National Geographic Television Channel, and they signed me for four years to take cameras and camera crew onboard with me to film my fishing seasons. Season II of the TV show Wicked Tuna is airing now. This experience has been rocky with many ups and a few downs, but one thing is for certain — my love for tuna fishing is a feeling that will last forever.

PinWheel Tuna Fishing | Rye, New Hampshire

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